Broadband Uncapped or Not?


I recently changed broadband providers as I was paying too much for your basic 512kbs and I am now receiving 2.2 mbps for half the price. Did this offer seem too good to be true well maybe? I was reading through the terms of the service and came a little section called fair usage policy. Which basically means that if youre seen to be downloading vast amounts of the providers bandwidth you will be warned or your service taken away from you? With the provider I am using they have a fair usage policy. If you are seen to be taking advantage of the uncapped?broadband they slow your speed right down till the next month.

Is broadband really uncapped anymore?

When buying or transferring your broadband it is a good idea to carefully read the small print on uncapped broadband. I personally have not had any problems as of yet with the company I am using.

I see many companies offering broadband at low prices with the slogan uncapped? But many of the companies are not in fact uncapped. If you are only on the net to check emails and a few web pages then you would not be affected by capping. Its the user who plays games, download music and videos which are likely to be affected. Broadband was designed so people could do these sorts of activates online. So dont forget when you see that advertisement for uncapped broadband think to yourself is it really uncapped

Read the terms of services
Read reviews of the service online
If migrating from another provider be sure to ask for your MAC code Business Card Design

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